Save-the-date: XR Hub @ MEDIA meets HEALTH
16 May 2022

Event details and registration
At the “MEDIA meets HEALTH” event on 24 May 2022, the question of how media and health industries can find synergies, create innovations together and cooperate profitably will be on the focus.
At the free event of MedienNetzwerk Bayern, we will shed light on a variety of aspects, starting with e-health and XR applications as medical support, as well as various content offers from podcasts to topic platforms. Besides that we will discuss media emotionalisation, successful communication concepts in the health sector and the the correct handling of former taboo topics such as mental illnesses.
The ViTraS project will be showcased and the XR Hub will be present.
The event starts at 1 p.m. at the Design Offices Atlas Munich (Rosenheimer Straße 143C). At 5:15 p.m. there will be an opportunity for exchange and networking at a get-together.
Further information and registration: