XR Hub @ vbw Munich
13 Jun 2022
On May 23rd, the XR-Hub Würzburg went on an excursion to Munich in order to be part of “Extended Reality - Technologies of the Future with a Wide Range of Applications”, an event organized by the Bavarian Business Association vbw in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs and the XR Bavaria e.V.
Apart from many different guest talks, we got to listen to a speech held by the funder of XR-Hub Bavaria, the Bavarian minister of state Judith Gerlach, in which she emphasized the importance of an active development of extended reality in Bavaria.
With the support of the XR-Hub Würzburg, our research assistant David Mal later showcased ViTraS, a project for a virtual reality based approach in obesity therapy. Find more information about ViTraS here.