Summer EXPO 2022 Recap

29 Jul 2022

For the first time since the beginning of Covid-19 the Summer Expo was held in presence. On this occasion the new Motion Capture Lab of the XR Hub Würzburg was opended by the Bavarian Digital Minister Judith Gerlach and the Bavarian Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media Florian Herrmann. We also want to thank the Vicepresidents of the University Würzburg, Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bode, for adressing the Students and visitors in the opening ceremony.

Press Releases

If you are interested in more information about the new Motion Capture Lab, then have a look at the following press releases:

Neues Labor an der Uni Würzburg – Eröffnung mit Ministerin Gerlach und Hermann

The Ministers Gerlach and Hermann during the opening of the Expo.

The grand opening of the Motion Capture Lab by (f. l. t. r.) Prof. Carolin Wienrich, Prof. Marc Latoschik, Bavarian Minister Judith Gerlach and Bavarian Minister Florian Hermann.

Prof. Carolin Winrich and the ViTras team demonstrate their system to the ministers.

The Summer EXPO 2022 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.

Students presented their projects. They were enrolled in

The winners of the Präsentationspreis (presentation award)

Luise Sessler: Der hybride Briefkasten hubbel: Anpassung und Evaluation eines Bürgerpartizipationstools für die Nutzung im öffentlichen Raum

Matthias Beck: Wer bist du? – Der Einfluss eines Spiegels auf Körperaufmerksamkeit und Embodiment in Virtual Reality

Tamara Friedenberger : Choosing NASAs first Astronauts: A Data Physicalization inspired by 100% City

The winners of the Publikumspreis (audience award)

Media Communication

Annika Sartorius, Anika Christen: Pepper meets Hotel

Ohenewa Bediako Akuffo, Leonie Lücke, Miriam Semineth, Sarah Tomiczek, Hanna-Finja Weichert: Reduktion von kulturellem Bias mit Intelligenten Virtuellen Agenten

Games Engineering BSc

Tobias Schmidt: The Horror Game

Till Wübbers, Philipp Bentheimer: SwarmTD

Lenny Siol: Little Light Engine and Nar Robot


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