XR Hub @ WueWW

06 Nov 2022

The XR Hub hosted an event for the WueWW on Wednesday, the 26nd of October 2021 to give an insight into the world of extended reality and to showcase potentials and fields of application of XR.

This event was part of the Wuerzburg Web Week which took place from October 20th to 29th, 2022. In 153 events, everything revolves around the topic of digitalization in Mainfranken.

We started the event by giving a short talk on different areas in which XR technology has potentials to improve accessability or reduce costs and risks. After that, the participants could test some of our applications at the HCI chair themselves to get an insight into current XR research.

We would like to thank the Wuerzburg Web Week for the cooperation and hope to attend also the next WueWW.

Find out more about the WueWW here: https://wueww.de/


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