XR Hub at the IEEE VR 23 Conference in Shanghai
13 Apr 2023

The 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEEVR 2023) was a great success. The conference was held in a hybrid format: Conference attendees could participate either online via Zoom or in person at the Shangri-La Hotel (Shanghai, China). The IEEEVR is considered one of the largest and most important conferences in the field of virtual and augmented reality. 906 people attended the conference (in-person: 505, online: 399). Out of 612 papers submitted, 61 publications were accepted as journal papers (10%) and 69 as conference papers (21%).
The HCI group presented five journal papers, one workshop paper and two poster paper that were partially funded by the XR Hub. Johrine Cronjé, Marie Luisa Fiedler, Florian Kern, Jinghuai Lin, David Mal, Fabian Unruh, Franziska Westermeier presented their work in-person, Martin Mišiak took the Zoom opportunity.
We are pleased to receive a “Best Paper Honorable Mention Award” for the publication “Measuring Interpersonal Trust towards Virtual Humans with a Virtual Maze Paradigm”, and two “Best Paper Nominees” for the publications “Body and Time: Virtual Embodiment and its effect on Time Perception” and “Exploring Plausibility and Presence in Mixed Reality Experiences”.
The following papers were presented: