Summer EXPO 2023 Recap
24 Jul 2023

The Summer EXPO 2023 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! A large number of visitors were able to experience up to 120 different demos and projects.
Students presented their projects. They were enrolled in
- Human-Computer Interaction MSc
- Human-Computer Systems BSc
- Games Engineering BSc
- Media Communication Bsc
The winners of the Publikumspreis (audience award)
As every semester, visitors were able to decide which projects and demos they found most impressive.
Games Engineering B.Sc.
Human-Computer Systems B.Sc.
Human-Computer Interaction M.Sc.
The winners of the Präsentationspreis (presentation award)
Summer Expo 2023
The Expo showcased a diverse array of projects and research that encapsulated the remarkable talent and dedication of the students. The event provided an engaging platform for students to present their posters and interactive demos to faculty, peers, industry professionals, and honored guests. In total, there were approximatley 120 exhibits.
Visit from the president
Paul Pauli, the the president of the university inaugurated the Expo with a speech, praising the students for their tireless efforts in advancing the frontiers of technology. Emphasizing the university’s commitment to fostering innovation and cutting-edge research, the President lauded the importance of Human-Computer Interaction and Games Engineering in shaping the future of digital experiences.
Following the opening ceremony, the President was taken on an exclusive demo tour, accompanied by the responsible professors. The tour led the President through a captivating journey of technology, where each demo showcased the seamless integration of human interaction and technology.