The "XR HUB Bavaria" is an initiative to strengthen Bavaria as a media and business location. The project has three locations: XR HUB Munich, XR HUB Nürnberg and XR HUB Würzburg. All HUBs deal with questions around XR technologies and their numerous applications. XR stands for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The "XR HUB Bavaria" is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs.
The XR HUB Würzburg is located at the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction of the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg. The XR-Hub Würzburg uses the competence available here to transfer scientific/technical know-how into application-oriented product developments, in particular to make basic scientific findings directly accessible to industry and thus to transport existing and newly emerging knowledge to companies. The XR HUB Würzburg is to serve in particular the focus on research, industrial networking and knowledge communication.
The XR HUB Würzburg is located at the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction of the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg. The XR-Hub Würzburg uses the competence available here to transfer scientific/technical know-how into application-oriented product developments, in particular to make basic scientific findings directly accessible to industry and thus to transport existing and newly emerging knowledge to companies. The XR HUB Würzburg is to serve in particular the focus on research, industrial networking and knowledge communication.