Larissa Brübach, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Contact Details

Larissa Brübach, M.Sc.
Human-Computer Interaction
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

✆	+49 (0) 931 31 87875
⌂	Room E13, Building M1, Hubland South

By agreement

About me

Larissa completed her bachelor’s degree in Human-Computer-Systems in Würzburg, where she focused on user research and cultural differences for her bachelor thesis. She then enrolled in the master’s program Human-Computer-Interaction. Besides her studies, she worked as a UX designer for two years.

For her master thesis, she worked on a Brain-Computer-Interface using EEG data to detect and augment affective states in a virtual communication platform.

Since November 2020 she is working as a research assistant at the chair for Human-Computer-Interaction at the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg.


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